Raft is an inflatable raft boat for rafting on rivers. Rafting is an alloy on rapids on inflatable ships. Raft is an elongated oval, designed for several people at once.…

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Stunning Things to Do in Koh Samui
The debate that Thailand and its islands are crowded with tourists will never subside. Most continue to stubbornly search for the perfect deserted tropical island, while it is quite enough…

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Get the most out of your summer vacation: in Greece on a yacht
Summer is the best reason to spend time with loved ones, visit new places and get unforgettable impressions. If you love the sea, then you probably have ridden a motor…

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continent impresses

Australia – Overview of Australia Country and Cities

it is an amazing, incomparable to any other, state, with the informal name “country of Oz”. In a territory comparable to the area of ​​Europe, only 18 million people live. About 80% of them inhabit eight large cities located on the coast. Wildlife in Australia can be adjacent to megacities, and four-meter crocodiles can swim in the bays, on the banks of which are large cities. Australia has the highest concentration of national parks per capita – there are more than 540 of them, setting up a tent in one of them, you can not see a soul for years.

The continent impresses tourists with its natural, geographical and climatic diversity. In its central and western regions lie vast unexplored open spaces, called by the Australians “outback” – backyards. Along the east coast stretches the Great Dividing Range, which separates deserts from flowering valleys on the coast. Tropical forests grow here, which, in a riot of life, can argue with the Amazon River. Continue reading

Rome - history and sights of the city
The city of Rome, the capital of Italy and the administrative center of the provinces of Rome and Lazio, is located on the Tiber River, 28 km from its confluence…


Australia - Overview of Australia Country and Cities
it is an amazing, incomparable to any other, state, with the informal name "country of Oz". In a territory comparable to the area of ​​Europe, only 18 million people live.…


Water tourism
Water tourism is classified as an extreme vacation or even a sport dangerous to health and life. Nevertheless, water tourism is one of the most popular varieties of modern travel.…
