Traveling on rowing and sailing ships
Rafts, various boats, bots and other vessels, national or recreated according to old models, are very popular. The pioneer of this area is, without a doubt, the great traveler Thor…

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About New Year's tales for tourists big and small
New Year is traditionally a family holiday, and tourists often expect to visit their children “visiting a fairy tale” for the winter holidays. For those planning a trip like this,…

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New Year in Dubai: where to go?
New Year's holidays are a time of bright celebrations, and where, if not in Dubai, are the most spectacular parties in the world. In the metropolis, fashionable Christmas trees are…

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continent impresses

Australia – Overview of Australia Country and Cities

it is an amazing, incomparable to any other, state, with the informal name “country of Oz”. In a territory comparable to the area of ​​Europe, only 18 million people live. About 80% of them inhabit eight large cities located on the coast. Wildlife in Australia can be adjacent to megacities, and four-meter crocodiles can swim in the bays, on the banks of which are large cities. Australia has the highest concentration of national parks per capita – there are more than 540 of them, setting up a tent in one of them, you can not see a soul for years.

The continent impresses tourists with its natural, geographical and climatic diversity. In its central and western regions lie vast unexplored open spaces, called by the Australians “outback” – backyards. Along the east coast stretches the Great Dividing Range, which separates deserts from flowering valleys on the coast. Tropical forests grow here, which, in a riot of life, can argue with the Amazon River. Continue reading

About the varieties, motives and benefits of travel
According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, travel is a trip or walking on foot to distant countries, places. Everything seems to be clear, but…


The unique gastronomy of Sardinia and gastrotourism
Sardinia is one of the two largest Italian islands, which is located west of mainland Italy, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. Unlike its closest neighbor, the French island…


Japan in the summer: what to see the tourist and what to do?
A real traveler chooses the extraordinary. Imagine: an extraordinary culture, where hi-tech is successfully combined with centuries-old traditions, and “mass” images easily spread throughout the globe. And one of the…
