The ten best hotels in the world
For any connoisseur of luxury, a five-star hotel is an important component of his trip. No matter where you go, everywhere you can stay in hotels that literally bathe in…

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UFO hunters
Chile is the first in this ranking - the country with the highest recorded number of UFO sightings. Due to its low humidity, mountain ranges and clear skies with little…

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Military historical tourism in all countries of the world
Military-historical tourism is an active and at the same time informative type of recreation. As a rule, he is preferred by people who are interested in the legendary battles of…

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recipe of ancestors

To Cairo: Following the Trail of the Holy Family

In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour – the route of the holy family. It is proposed to walk through the baby Jesus, Virgin Mary and Joseph, who were in Egypt for several years, hiding from King Herod. The route itself stretches from North Sinai through Cairo and its suburbs to the city of Asyut, includes 25 revered places, it will take 5-8 days to fully travel the entire route (excluding North Sinai for security reasons).

Cairo and its districts occupy a significant part of the route, it begins with a visit to the tree of the Virgin Mary in Mataria, a branchy evergreen sycamore tree, in the shadow of which the Holy Family stopped to rest. The tree is not allowed to die and shoots are constantly planted, the last time it was done in 1906. Continue reading

Black sand, a smoking volcano and other reasons to fly to Tenerife this summer

Tenerife is the largest and most amazing of the islands of the Canary Archipelago. Located in the Atlantic Ocean near the African coast, it combines exotic nature, warm climate, as well as Spanish culture and cuisine. At the heart of the island is the third largest volcano in the world, Teide. Its height is more than 3700 meters above sea level.

The whole island consists of mountain roads, steep descents and ascents. Therefore, when renting a car, be prepared for narrow serpentines, sharp turns and constant reconstructions, which are almost impossible to go around.

To avoid stress and calmly explore the coast, you can rent a yacht and ta Continue reading

The unique gastronomy of Sardinia and gastrotourism

Sardinia is one of the two largest Italian islands, which is located west of mainland Italy, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. Unlike its closest neighbor, the French island of Corsica, whose territory consists of large mountain ranges for three quarters, the mountainous landscape of Sardinia is quite smooth. The sparsely populated areas of the island are distinguished by their pristine beauty: they abound in dense forests and natural ponds bordering small desert areas. The uniqueness of the nature of the island in its exquisite simplicity and naturalness. And as you know, it is nature that determines the cuisine of the territory. In the case of Sardinia, this is especially true.

Throughout the world, Sardinian gastronomy is known as the “centenarian cuisine”: it has been scientifically proven that sardines (not to be confused with sardines!) Live longer and healthier lives. Continue reading

Water tourism
Water tourism is classified as an extreme vacation or even a sport dangerous to health and life. Nevertheless, water tourism is one of the most popular varieties of modern travel.…


Ilparadisoterrestre: the most picturesque places of Sicily
“Italy without Sicily leaves in its soul only a vague image. Only here is the key to the whole, ”Goethe wrote about Sicily in his Italian Travel Journey. Charming bays…


UFO hunters
Chile is the first in this ranking - the country with the highest recorded number of UFO sightings. Due to its low humidity, mountain ranges and clear skies with little…
