Travel Guide for Turkey
Turkey is the heiress of one of the largest and most influential empires in the world - the Ottoman Empire. This country of 4 seas at the junction of 2…

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Japan in the summer: what to see the tourist and what to do?
A real traveler chooses the extraordinary. Imagine: an extraordinary culture, where hi-tech is successfully combined with centuries-old traditions, and “mass” images easily spread throughout the globe. And one of the…

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History of Travel and Tourism
2000 years before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia Trade travels have existed since the beginning of civilization. At that time, the port of Lothal was an important center of trade…

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mineral water

Japan in the summer: what to see the tourist and what to do?

A real traveler chooses the extraordinary. Imagine: an extraordinary culture, where hi-tech is successfully combined with centuries-old traditions, and “mass” images easily spread throughout the globe. And one of the most famous and recognizable gastronomy around the world. And even the language for which it was required to “invent” a separate language group. It is easy to guess that we are talking about Japan. However, not every tourist is ready to consider this country as a summer destination. And completely in vain! We will try to tell you what awaits those who decide to take a summer trip to Japan.

So, what to do in Japan in the summer, and in general, what is summer Japan? First of all, including for the inhabitants of the country of the Rising Sun, summer is a period of numerous fireworks and festivals. They are carried out by every prefecture of the country and almost every city. We will name only the most famous of them. Continue reading

Naples – the birthplace of Italian gastronomy

In the southwestern part of Italy, perhaps the most diverse region of the country is located – Campania. Its diversity is manifested both in the natural landscape – mountain ranges alternate with spacious plains and flowering reserves – and in the nature of the terrain. The calm and measured region with its mild climate and centuries-old traditions violates the reputation of the brutal Naples. Italian National Tourism Agency (ENIT) will explain why you just need to visit the largest city and capital of the region.

Naples proudly rises above the Gulf of Naples and for centuries has served as an inspiration for artists – filmmakers, writers, artists – due to its passionate nature and picturesque landscapes. Naples is rich in works of architectural art – countless Catholic cathedrals, monuments, galleries, castles and palaces. Continue reading

Ilparadisoterrestre: the most picturesque places of Sicily

“Italy without Sicily leaves in its soul only a vague image. Only here is the key to the whole, ”Goethe wrote about Sicily in his Italian Travel Journey.

Charming bays and grape groves, volcanoes and through sea caves, sea blue and green forests – the nature of Sicily is as beautiful as diverse. The island owes its unique natural landscape to the regular eruptions of Mount Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe, located near Catania.

To the north of the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea is the Aeolian Archipelago, or Aeolian Islands, centered in the Lipari commune of the island of the same name. The nature of the volcanic islands, despite a population of 15 thousand people, has remained untouched: the entire archipelago is under the protection of UNESCO. Continue reading

The Israelis are already visible on the plane, even if it is the board of the UIA, and not El-Al. Everyone who has lived in Israel for at least a…


Traveling on rowing and sailing ships
Rafts, various boats, bots and other vessels, national or recreated according to old models, are very popular. The pioneer of this area is, without a doubt, the great traveler Thor…


5 places to extend the winter
Didn’t have enough winter to go skiing or snowboarding? We offer a selection of resorts located on glaciers or in northern latitudes, where the chances of catching good snow in…
