Stunning Things to Do in Koh Samui
The debate that Thailand and its islands are crowded with tourists will never subside. Most continue to stubbornly search for the perfect deserted tropical island, while it is quite enough…

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Weekend in Lazio: how to explore the region in two days
It is best to start exploring the region from the Marcellus Theater. The building is considered the oldest in all of ancient Rome, and in terms of size it is…

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Ethnic tourism
Nostalgic or ethnic tour (nostalgic tour), another wonderful exotic type of vacation. During such trips, tourists study a certain ethnic group of the population, study their life, cultural features, everyday…

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5 places to extend the winter

Didn’t have enough winter to go skiing or snowboarding? We offer a selection of resorts located on glaciers or in northern latitudes, where the chances of catching good snow in April or even later are highest. And in order to have enough money for the trip, it is worth considering various types of credit cards and issuing one of them.

Stubai (Austria)
Recommended to go: October – June

The largest glacier in Austria is famous as a great place for families. It offers comfortable skiing areas for the elderly, a ski school for children, tours of the ice grotto and much more. In addition, a ski pass for children under 10 years old is free. In the high season on Stubai it is too crowded, but by April skiing becomes more comfortable. Continue reading

About New Year’s tales for tourists big and small

New Year is traditionally a family holiday, and tourists often expect to visit their children “visiting a fairy tale” for the winter holidays. For those planning a trip like this, TURPROM offers instructions on a fairytale map of Russia: how to go to visit Santa Claus? Where is the Snow Maiden’s tower located? And what other New Year’s fun await parents with children in Russian open spaces?

The main New Year wizard

As you know, for almost twenty years, since 1999, the country’s main New Year wizard has been living in the city of Veliky Ustyug. The idea to settle Santa Claus in the Vologda forests was very successful. It is the efforts of this “brand” that the attendance of the region has grown to 300 thousand tourists a year, as a result, the city makes far-reaching plans – up to the reconstruction of the airport, and also plans to expand the territory of the Fatherland of Santa Claus. Continue reading

5 reasons to go to England at least once

Did you dream of the sky of London? So, the moment has come, to change everything in life and to conquer new heights! Many tourists on their way to the UK are not afraid of the geographical, but the language barrier. It doesn’t matter. After all, you can not just stagger around the cities, but also simultaneously “tighten up” language skills.

For maximalists living to the fullest, Wall Street English offers Study Abroad study abroad programs. This is a great chance to gain speech practice and plunge headlong into the English world. There are at least 5 reasons to visit Misty Albion.

1. Immerse yourself in magic Continue reading

Archaeological tourism
Archaeological tourism is a trip as part of expeditions of professional archaeologists and historians to conduct excavations and other scientific studies. Almost every person with normal health and ready for…


History of Travel and Tourism
2000 years before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia Trade travels have existed since the beginning of civilization. At that time, the port of Lothal was an important center of trade…


UFO hunters
Chile is the first in this ranking - the country with the highest recorded number of UFO sightings. Due to its low humidity, mountain ranges and clear skies with little…
