About the varieties, motives and benefits of travel
According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, travel is a trip or walking on foot to distant countries, places. Everything seems to be clear, but…

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Ilparadisoterrestre: the most picturesque places of Sicily
“Italy without Sicily leaves in its soul only a vague image. Only here is the key to the whole, ”Goethe wrote about Sicily in his Italian Travel Journey. Charming bays…

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The magical power of the underwater world lies in the universality of its environment: there is a difference from the situation on the ground and in the air, under water…

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To Cairo: Following the Trail of the Holy Family

In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour – the route of the holy family. It is proposed to walk through the baby Jesus, Virgin Mary and Joseph, who were in Egypt for several years, hiding from King Herod. The route itself stretches from North Sinai through Cairo and its suburbs to the city of Asyut, includes 25 revered places, it will take 5-8 days to fully travel the entire route (excluding North Sinai for security reasons).

Cairo and its districts occupy a significant part of the route, it begins with a visit to the tree of the Virgin Mary in Mataria, a branchy evergreen sycamore tree, in the shadow of which the Holy Family stopped to rest. The tree is not allowed to die and shoots are constantly planted, the last time it was done in 1906. Continue reading

The best abnormal places for tourists
So: Death Valley, an abnormal area in Yakutia, which is located near the Vilyui River, in Mirny district. Local residents tell legends about mysterious objects made of metal in the…


What a tourist should not do in Egypt
Every tourist wants to spend an unforgettable vacation and not overshadow him with troubles. In Egypt, travelers can expect many annoying surprises, and we will try to help protect ourselves…


Outbound tourism main species in Western European countries
Outbound tourism is a vacation trip to foreign countries of the world. Thanks to globalization and the simplification of the visa regime by many states, international travel has recently gained…
