Water tourism
Water tourism is classified as an extreme vacation or even a sport dangerous to health and life. Nevertheless, water tourism is one of the most popular varieties of modern travel.…

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Mountain tourism
Mountain tourism is a fairly extensive category of outdoor activities. It includes trips to highlands, rock climbing, caving, rafting on mountain rivers, geological explorations, expeditions to familiarize yourself with the…

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Japan in the summer: what to see the tourist and what to do?
A real traveler chooses the extraordinary. Imagine: an extraordinary culture, where hi-tech is successfully combined with centuries-old traditions, and “mass” images easily spread throughout the globe. And one of the…

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UFO hunters

Chile is the first in this ranking – the country with the highest recorded number of UFO sightings. Due to its low humidity, mountain ranges and clear skies with little pollution, Chile has become a favorite among UFO seekers from around the world. An abnormal phenomena research committee officially operates in this country, a government body that studies unidentified aerial phenomena under the control of the Chilean Air Force.

Among the UFO attractions that can be visited in Chile there are also observatories – such as the Atacama Desert, the ESO Paranal Observatory, which tourists can book on weekends, the ALMA Observatory in northern Chile, which is also open to visitors and tourists. In addition, the expert lists famous UFO landing sites, such as the area of ​​Saint-Clemente in Chile, where hundreds of UFO sightings are reported. Continue reading

About New Year's tales for tourists big and small
New Year is traditionally a family holiday, and tourists often expect to visit their children “visiting a fairy tale” for the winter holidays. For those planning a trip like this,…


To Cairo: Following the Trail of the Holy Family
In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour - the route of the holy family. It…


Naples - the birthplace of Italian gastronomy
In the southwestern part of Italy, perhaps the most diverse region of the country is located - Campania. Its diversity is manifested both in the natural landscape - mountain ranges…
