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Weekend in Lazio: how to explore the region in two days

It is best to start exploring the region from the Marcellus Theater. The building is considered the oldest in all of ancient Rome, and in terms of size it is even ahead of the famous Colosseum. The idea of ​​building Marcellus belongs to Yuri Caesar, while the implementation is the work of Octavian Augustus.

The dimensions of the amphitheater amaze even the sophisticated tourist: Marcellus was designed for 14 thousand spectators, while the length of the stage was almost 100 meters. The theater survived two restorations, and in the 4th century it was no longer used for its intended purpose.

Then it is worth visiting the castle of Santa North, located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The place is considered one of the most romantic in Lazio.

The dead city of Civitadi Bagnoregio. Source https://mishka.travel/blog/index/node/id/2888-italyanskie-marshruti-region-lacio/

The history of the castle dates back to the X-XI centuries. According to legend, Santa Severa was named in honor of the Christian martyr of Severus, who died due to the influence of the barbarians.


Tivoli. Source http://gid-vrime.ru/excursions/6235

The history of the region is associated with several thermal springs, which were very successful in the republican and then in the imperial era. The Romans built luxurious thermal baths, some of which can still be seen when coming to Lazio. Acquaintance is worth starting from the terma of Caracalla (now in a state of magnificent ruins). The second historic spa is Tivoli. It became famous thanks to the proximity to one of the most famous Italian villas of the 16th century – d’Este, famous for its magnificent fountains, gardens and the Renaissance palace. And finally – the ruined imperial villa in Tivoli, near Rome – Hadrian, the ancient residence of the emperor Hadrian. Both villas are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Those who want to try the Italian spa in the traditional sense will like the Fiuggi thermal complex. Local water has healing properties for those who suffer from pathology of the bladder and metabolic problems. The complex is surrounded by centuries-old deities – chestnuts, oaks, pines, which also gives a useful effect for the nervous system, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and rest.


Going to Italy and not tasting the local cuisine is a crime. Gastronomic delights in Lazio lure travelers even before dishes are served: it’s all about the strong aromas that impregnated the streets with restaurants – spicy sauces, carbonara, pesto, and freshly brewed coffee. Lazio is famous for Italian dumplings, spaghetti with local Amatricana sauce, a national pie with pecorino and bacon. For those who are very hungry, the main dishes are suitable, including a young lamb with vegetables and oxtail stew.

The pride of Lazio are Roman artichokes, which can be tasted at specialized fairs, fried pork, black Gaetaa olives and chestnuts grown in the Jimin Mountains.


Ninfa Gardens are famous all over the world. The nature reserve received its name from the Roman temple dedicated to the deities of spring waters. The territory where the gardens are now located in the VIII century became part of the papal administration, and played a strategic role in the presence of foothills that allowed you to go south. In 1298, Pope Boniface VIII bought Ninfa Gardens and other neighboring territories for his nephew Pietro II Caetani, which marked the beginning of Caetanin’s presence in the territories of the Pontic Plain and the Lepinsky Mountains.

Circeo National Park is another special place. It consists of five zones: forests, mountains, coastal dunes, swamps and the small island of Zanone, which is part of the Pontian Islands. The park owes its appearance to Mussolini, which adds special energy to the place. Now Circeo is a UNESCO monument.

ENIT will pay special attention to the tourism products of the Lazio region, over the past year it has become very popular in the Russian market. So, according to ISTAT in 2017 (compared with 2014) the number of tourists increased by 9.7%, despite the fact that in 2016 the increase in tourist flow was recorded by 5.2%.

Of course, going on a trip to Italy, it is better to have a few weeks left. However, if the vacation is still far away, and new experiences are needed now, you can go to Lazio. There are so many options for leisure that the impressions of the weekend can well be compared with a full vacation.

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