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5 reasons to go to England at least once

Did you dream of the sky of London? So, the moment has come, to change everything in life and to conquer new heights! Many tourists on their way to the UK are not afraid of the geographical, but the language barrier. It doesn’t matter. After all, you can not just stagger around the cities, but also simultaneously “tighten up” language skills.

For maximalists living to the fullest, Wall Street English offers Study Abroad study abroad programs. This is a great chance to gain speech practice and plunge headlong into the English world. There are at least 5 reasons to visit Misty Albion.

1. Immerse yourself in magic

Hogwarts is a cherished dream of travelers. It’s easy to get there. 20 miles from London is WarnerBros. StudioTour “. This is a unique place where religious decorations from the famous film are recreated.

Visitors can see the Hogwarts Express and the famous platform 9 and ¾, arrange shopping in Cosompereulka, sit in the Great Hall, where students and teachers of the magic school gathered, and walk through the Forbidden Forest, inhabited by incredible creatures, go into Professor Dumbledore’s designed office, Harry Potter’s house and the Dursleys’ house, Hogsmeade village with a Squealing hut and owl mail.

You can also sit at the dining tables of all four faculties in the Great Hall, see Mr. Weasley’s flying car, drawings and mock-ups for the film, Diagon Alley with all the shops there, portraits of Hogwarts directors specially created for filming, Magic Hat, Gryffindor’s sword and other magic props , feast on the “Sweet Kingdom” with a variety of sweets and drink cream beer at the Three Brooms bar.

A studio tour of the world of “Harry Potter” gives you the opportunity to see firsthand the potions, bottles with memories and a collection of plates with moving cats. The amount of magic here rolls over!

And during the tour, everyone has a chance to taste magical sweets (chocolate frog, candy with different tastes, mint toad) and, of course, a creamy drink.

2. Feel the taste of England

Trying this country is easy. Here are the best restaurants with Michelin stars. But it is quite tolerable to have a snack in budget cafes. The main thing is to taste all the national flavors in the literal sense of the word. The “chip” of the British is food wrapped in paper. Not only sandwiches are placed in such packaging, but also traditional dishes: fish with french fries or pudding with meat and kidneys. Pies are generally very popular in England. The Levershire pie with pork, the “toad in the hole” and the trifle are considered national.

3. Break away with a British accent

England is famous for its spectacular and vibrant holidays. What are the Queen’s birthday street parties? In fact, she has two of them: actual (April 21) and official (early June). In honor of such a significant date, a theatrical parade is organized near the Buckingham Palace every year with the participation of military men, horses and musicians.

It is also breathtaking from the Glastonbury Music Festival. It takes place annually on a private farm near the town of Galstonbury. This year, the main musical event of the Old World will be held from June 26 to 30. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that in a single space and at the same time music of different genres sounds. Spectators live in a campground and enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

Get on the same wavelength with the British will help Regatta Henley, which has been held in the British lands for almost 200 years. International races start on the first weekend of July and last five days. In 2019, the competition will be held in the town of Henley-on-Thames from July 3 to 7. More than 200 crews with newcomers and Olympic champions from around the world will compete for the King’s Cup.

Notting Hill Carnival gives a special flavor. In 2019, it is scheduled for August 24-26. For three days, the area of ​​the same name in London will turn into real Caribbean. People in national costumes will pass through the streets, the reggae will be traditional for the islands. Everyone will move in the style of rumba and try Caribbean dishes (stewed goat meat, meringue, callalla).

4. See the classics

Traditional sights and homes of world famous people are located in England. For lovers of traveling “through the pages of books” the British Isles offer great prospects.

According to the writer N. Hawthorne, Oxford has the best street in the country – HighStreet with numerous colleges and ancient churches. A breathtaking view of the entire city opens from the 23-meter tower of Carfax. This is the only surviving part of the church of St. Martin, built in the 13th century. The Museum of History deserves special attention, where periodically literary evenings dedicated to “Alice in Wonderland” are held. And this is no coincidence. After all, the author of the book, L. Carroll, was educated precisely in Oxford.

5. Pull up English

You can, of course, stroll idly through the streets of English cities and periodically turn to passers-by with help. But it’s much more useful to go to England to improve your knowledge of the language. And here it is advisable to stay not in a hotel, but in the house of an English-speaking family.

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