Weekend in Lazio: how to explore the region in two days
It is best to start exploring the region from the Marcellus Theater. The building is considered the oldest in all of ancient Rome, and in terms of size it is…

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The magical power of the underwater world lies in the universality of its environment: there is a difference from the situation on the ground and in the air, under water…

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The magical power of the underwater world lies in the universality of its environment: there is a difference from the situation on the ground and in the air, under water…

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5 reasons to go to England at least once

Did you dream of the sky of London? So, the moment has come, to change everything in life and to conquer new heights! Many tourists on their way to the UK are not afraid of the geographical, but the language barrier. It doesn’t matter. After all, you can not just stagger around the cities, but also simultaneously “tighten up” language skills.

For maximalists living to the fullest, Wall Street English offers Study Abroad study abroad programs. This is a great chance to gain speech practice and plunge headlong into the English world. There are at least 5 reasons to visit Misty Albion.

1. Immerse yourself in magic Continue reading

Today, Egypt is the most popular resort country, which many people in our country choose for vacation. And this is not surprising, because in all Egyptian hotels the “All Inclusive”…


The magical power of the underwater world lies in the universality of its environment: there is a difference from the situation on the ground and in the air, under water…


To Cairo: Following the Trail of the Holy Family
In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour - the route of the holy family. It…
