How not to get poisoned in Egypt and what to do in case of poisoning
Poisoning tourists in Egypt happens very often. This problem is much larger than it seems. Firstly, most vacationers are treated independently, which makes it impossible to collect at least some…

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Holidays in Croatia: 4 points for travelers
Anyone who chooses a vacation in Croatia should stock up on information on the format of the rest, the culture of the country and security measures. We have 4 tips…

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Ethnic tourism
Nostalgic or ethnic tour (nostalgic tour), another wonderful exotic type of vacation. During such trips, tourists study a certain ethnic group of the population, study their life, cultural features, everyday…

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Today, Egypt is the most popular resort country, which many people in our country choose for vacation. And this is not surprising, because in all Egyptian hotels the “All Inclusive” system operates, the beaches are equipped for a comfortable stay, all kinds of entertainments for adults and children are carefully thought out. But most choose Egypt because of the unique Red Sea, which attracts fans of diving and snorkeling with its unique reefs with underwater inhabitants, unique in their beauty and color.

You can travel in the underwater kingdom of the Red Sea at any time of the year: here, sea water is always crystal clear, warm and at least twenty degrees. And, since coral reefs stretch along the entire coast of Egypt, all coastal hotel areas are equipped convenient for divers and divers with snorkeling pontoons for entering the water. Continue reading

To Cairo: Following the Trail of the Holy Family
In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour - the route of the holy family. It…


Camping in Europe
Traveling in Western Europe is usually an expensive pleasure. It doesn’t matter if you live in a European country and want to explore neighboring countries, or if you came from…


5 places to extend the winter
Didn’t have enough winter to go skiing or snowboarding? We offer a selection of resorts located on glaciers or in northern latitudes, where the chances of catching good snow in…
