continuous process
Australia – Overview of Australia Country and Cities
it is an amazing, incomparable to any other, state, with the informal name “country of Oz”. In a territory comparable to the area of Europe, only 18 million people live. About 80% of them inhabit eight large cities located on the coast. Wildlife in Australia can be adjacent to megacities, and four-meter crocodiles can swim in the bays, on the banks of which are large cities. Australia has the highest concentration of national parks per capita – there are more than 540 of them, setting up a tent in one of them, you can not see a soul for years.
The continent impresses tourists with its natural, geographical and climatic diversity. In its central and western regions lie vast unexplored open spaces, called by the Australians “outback” – backyards. Along the east coast stretches the Great Dividing Range, which separates deserts from flowering valleys on the coast. Tropical forests grow here, which, in a riot of life, can argue with the Amazon River. Continue reading
Traveling on rowing and sailing ships
Rafts, various boats, bots and other vessels, national or recreated according to old models, are very popular.
The pioneer of this area is, without a doubt, the great traveler Thor Heyerdahl. His sailing on the famous rafts “Kon-Tiki”, “Ra”, “Tigris” laid the foundation for a whole direction in extreme tourism – overcoming the seas and oceans alone or in very small groups on very small and fragile rowing vessels.
The famous Norwegian explorer took his first trip together with five comrades back in 1947. The route of a brave group lay along the coast of Peru to the islands of Polynesia. Due to the exceptional decisiveness and ability of the expedition members with whom, using minimal material equipment, they made dangerous sea voyages across the Pacific Ocean, this journey is one of the most daring and outstanding expeditions of the 20th century. Continue reading
Outbound tourism main species in Western European countries
Outbound tourism is a vacation trip to foreign countries of the world. Thanks to globalization and the simplification of the visa regime by many states, international travel has recently gained incredible popularity. Today, outbound tourism is not only a form of recreation, but also one of the forms of economic, political, social and cultural ties between states. Outbound tourism, as a separate category of trips, is developing extremely dynamically.
If in 1950 25 million people made international trips for tourism, now this figure is more than half a billion people a year. For many countries, international tourism is a solid or even the main source of income from the export of goods and services. In countries such as Panama, Cyprus, Haiti, tourism revenues exceed half of all export earnings. And even quite European and economically developed Spain, Greece and Austria receive more than a third of all export earnings from tourism through tourism. Continue reading