Water tourism
Water tourism is classified as an extreme vacation or even a sport dangerous to health and life. Nevertheless, water tourism is one of the most popular varieties of modern travel.…

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The monument city, the contrasting city of Riga, the capital of the Baltic state of Latvia, is comfortably located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Riga is a beautiful…

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Archaeological tourism
Archaeological tourism is a trip as part of expeditions of professional archaeologists and historians to conduct excavations and other scientific studies. Almost every person with normal health and ready for…

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continuous process

Mountain tourism

Mountain tourism is a fairly extensive category of outdoor activities. It includes trips to highlands, rock climbing, caving, rafting on mountain rivers, geological explorations, expeditions to familiarize yourself with the flora and fauna. According to the official definition of the World Tourism Organization, mountain tourism is the overcoming of routes running at an altitude of at least 3 thousand meters above sea level. In accordance with this interpretation, in Ukraine there are no mountains of such height that travel on them could be qualified as mountain tourism. For example, the highest point of the Carpathians, Mount Goverla, has a height of 2600 m, and the most significant peak of the Crimea, Mount Roman-Kosh, is located at an altitude of 1545 m.

Mountain tourism in the Krim and Carpathian mountains Continue reading

THREE DAYS IN PARIS from french diaries

Paris. Roissy Airport – Charles de Gaulle. Peppy jogging with a backpack along the long corridors of the terminal.
Bonjour Monsieur! – Mersi! – Au revoir! And the same to you, comrades French! ”
The arrivals are being questioned, some are being inspected, but to me, smiles and nothing more. It seems that glasses on the nose, a beard and a well-worn backpack are the best pass to Europe. The equipment of the spouse also does not cause unnecessary questions.

We find the familiar word RER on the signs and rush to the exit. By electric train it is easier, faster, and cheaper to get to the City. There are plenty of free places, you can sit comfortably. Continue reading

About the varieties, motives and benefits of travel

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, travel is a trip or walking on foot to distant countries, places.

Everything seems to be clear, but immediately the question arises of what can be considered “distant countries and localities”. The concept of “distant” is always relative. For one person, distant terrain begins one kilometer from home, for another five hundred. For a child, it can start in a neighboring yard.

It turns out that just “range” is not enough to determine the journey. The problem disappears by itself if the concept of “distant terrain” is supplemented with such characteristics as uncharted, unstudied. Going to new places unknown to him, a person creates a travel situation. Continue reading

Holidays in Croatia: 4 points for travelers
Anyone who chooses a vacation in Croatia should stock up on information on the format of the rest, the culture of the country and security measures. We have 4 tips…


5 places to extend the winter
Didn’t have enough winter to go skiing or snowboarding? We offer a selection of resorts located on glaciers or in northern latitudes, where the chances of catching good snow in…


Archaeological tourism
Archaeological tourism is a trip as part of expeditions of professional archaeologists and historians to conduct excavations and other scientific studies. Almost every person with normal health and ready for…
