How not to get poisoned in Egypt and what to do in case of poisoning
Poisoning tourists in Egypt happens very often. This problem is much larger than it seems. Firstly, most vacationers are treated independently, which makes it impossible to collect at least some…

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What a tourist should not do in Egypt
Every tourist wants to spend an unforgettable vacation and not overshadow him with troubles. In Egypt, travelers can expect many annoying surprises, and we will try to help protect ourselves…

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Recreational tourism
Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of recreation, necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries…

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could shoot


The Israelis are already visible on the plane, even if it is the board of the UIA, and not El-Al. Everyone who has lived in Israel for at least a few years, has a peculiar “Hebrew” intonation – a little chanted. Children are noisy and direct, young women neglect bright makeup and high heels, but keep confident, elderly ladies and gentlemen – in comfortable shoes, clothes in sports style and with modern smartphones that talk with grandchildren, interfering with Russian and Hebrew: “Bededer, Danya, motek (Danya, honey, everything is all right)! Grandma is coming soon. ”

In Hebrew, however, they don’t come to Israel, or to Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), but “rise” or “rise”. In the case of an airplane – very true. By the way, in the Country itself, one city was awarded the same honor – Jerusalem. Which, in addition to tradition, is explained by its geographical location: it was built in the Judean mountains (compared to the low Alps, 800 meters on average, but still). Continue reading

Traveling on rowing and sailing ships
Rafts, various boats, bots and other vessels, national or recreated according to old models, are very popular. The pioneer of this area is, without a doubt, the great traveler Thor…


Ethnic tourism
Nostalgic or ethnic tour (nostalgic tour), another wonderful exotic type of vacation. During such trips, tourists study a certain ethnic group of the population, study their life, cultural features, everyday…


Weekend in Lazio: how to explore the region in two days
It is best to start exploring the region from the Marcellus Theater. The building is considered the oldest in all of ancient Rome, and in terms of size it is…
