fairly extensive
The essence and types of sea tourism
Sea tourism is a mobile component of recreation related to overcoming the space for recreation, entertainment, treatment, or for any other purpose not related to making a profit. The essence of the recreational function of tourism is physiological (restoration of physical strength, recovery, relaxation) and psychological relaxation (change of place, environment, the acquisition of new experiences).
The cultural function is manifested in helping to increase the level of education and the general culture through familiarization with everyday life, cultural traditions, lifestyle of other nations. On the other hand, marine tourism, accelerating cultural exchange, accelerates innovative processes in culture.
Thus, the improvement of the population, increasing its working capacity and level of culture through the implementation of cultural, educational and recreational activities enhances the social significance of sea tourism. Continue reading
Recreational tourism
Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of recreation, necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and massive. For the development of this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed. Recreational resources are an essential part of the region’s natural potential. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.
Assessment of recreational resources is based on a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: topography, water bodies and land cover, bioclimate, hydromineral and unique natural healing resources, historical and cultural potential, etc.), considered from the point of view of using it with a specific type of tourism. Continue reading
Ski tourism
An exciting type of outdoor activity is ski tourism. In the conditions of a ski trip, a tourist is in pure frosty air for a long time. Uniform muscular load, smooth gliding, the beauty of winter nature, a quick change of impressions, communication with a team of tourists – all this gives a big charge of positive emotions.
Ski trip
Ski tourism The muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, and back are actively involved in the work of a tourist-skier. Therefore, skiing is an excellent means of general physical training, which will help to strengthen health, become stronger, stronger, tougher.
With good gliding, even a beginner skier can walk at a speed of 6-8 km / h without any difficulties.
However, it should be borne in mind that weekend skiing is different from an ordinary skiing trip, and preparation for them should be more thorough. Continue reading